Artifacts Overview

Twitter / Professional Blog

Used as both a platform to model and develop my digital footprint as a math teacher using technology in the classroom. Plus, countless lesson ideas and strategies for math problem solving were discovered through colleagues.

Meeting The Standards

Standard 4
Promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information

The first blogging that I participated in occurred back during the WOU Summer Institute of 2011. During one of Dr. Bucy's courses we maintained a daily blog post throughout the ten-day course. Following that experience, I blogged a little on my own and for a few other course requirements.

A year later, during Summer 2012, I was informed that my classroom would be receiving a complete set of student iPads. As a 1:1 pilot classroom in our school district, I kept record of how I integrated this new technology into my classroom by blogging at, Technology Integration for Math Engagment.

That was the beginning of many months of developing an online PLN where I connected with over one hundred fellow math bloggers and more than a thousand math teachers on twitter. The growth and professional development that I received through social interactions during the 2012-2013 school year was uncomparable to any professional development provided elsewhere.

During the most active months of my math blogging experience, there were over 500 subscribers interested in the technology integration content that I was discussing and sharing with fellow colleagues. The content itself derived from many personal examples and tools that were being put to use in my classroom. Thus, during the time I found my blog to be a great tool to promote tools that I found to be effective learning aides.

Standard 5
a, b, c, d.

Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources.

This standard is covered in a similar fashion to what has been described above. I would add that through the connections made on twitter, I was completely immersed in the process of continually developing and improving my professional practice based off of the feedback and work of other math teachers and technology teachers.

Additionally, with two middle schools in our school district, I found out pretty quickly that the math teachers from the other school were following my work and what I posted on the blog. This enabled them to have the opportunity to use professional development time to observe my classroom in action. The 1:1 integration of iPads in my math class served as an opportunity for me to step up as a leader and guide to those teachers within my school district, as well as many others across the country/world who were trying similar teaching methods and integrating technology on a daily basis.

Click here to view blog. I am currently not teaching/blogging, so the layout has reverted back to the free version. All content and posts are still accessible.

Students Author Books - May 2014

I showed students these examples created by 6th graders and shared by Dan Bowdoin, and they were immediately up for the challenge.

Book Creator Founder - June 2013

Dan Bowdoin, a middle-school maths teacher from Oregon, USA, shares how his sixth grade students got on creating ebooks to help solve equations.

Math Teacher Blog - May 2013

...a series of blog posts made me decide to change course...Dan Bowdoin‘s comment on creating..."halfway into our first year with iPads and these students were content creation kings. I stand firm on the idea that students will dig deeper and work harder if they not only are allowed to create in class, but also are able to share."

Curriculum Integration Blog - November 2012

Integration, differentiation, learning styles, ownership, all aspects as educators we try to incorporate into our instruction and learning experiences for our students. A model for stations in Maths as designed by Dan Bowdoin allows for 5 stations which are Review, Modelling, Practice, Application and Content Creation.

National Math + Science Initiative Forum - November 2012

Dan Bowdoin, over at Technology Integration for Math Engagement, writes a lot about using technology in his classes, but he also is one of the brave math teachers this year who has dived into Standards-Based Grading and has reported on the successes and challenges along the way.

Teaching Ahead of the Curve - November 2012

I'm a big fan of Dan Bowdoin. His blog: "Technology Integration for Math Engagement" has some great ideas. Recently, I was inspired to try math stations more systematically after his post: Ownership of learning during math stations.

Wild Math - September 2012

When Dan Bowdoin updates his list of assignments, it automatically updates the embedded file on his class blog. So lets see if I can embed on wordpress. (It looks like it uses iframes and I’m not sure if wordpress allows that….)

A Teacher Student - September 2012

At a micro level, I discovered an engaging and easy-to-digest website by Mr. Bowdoin. He combines math and technology in a way that keeps students engaged and learning in our 21st century. His website is so important because students are using it daily to advance their learning. He also turned me onto Doceri, a screencasting app for the iPad. I look forward to experimenting!

The Problem Bank - August 2012

The same day I posted it [Standards Based Grading Rubric], I found this post from Dan Bowdoin...between his post itself and the plethora of links, I think I've got exactly what I need. For my skills-assessment rubrics, I’m planning on using something very similar to Dan Bowdoin’s (linked above), with one exception...

Daily Math Warm-Ups - August 2012

I just did a workshop sharing iPad apps, but mine were more for teacher use as many of them never owned an iPad. For use in the classroom, with kids, I'd start with Dan Bowdoin's blog

#Made4Math - August 2012

Dan Bowdoin just posted on his blog some neat ideas to use QR codes in the classroom that I'd like to try.

Writing To Learn to Teach - July 2012

...Thanks so much for the encouragement. (I’m impressed by your stuff, and will definitely return to your site.)

This tweet started a response about our Equation iBook Project that continues to this day. The tweet is sharing a link to my blog post discussing the Equation iBook project and sharing student samples. Over a year later it is still discussed by teachers and has been shared more than 400 times on social media. The iBook app developer features the blog post on their website.

Click here to view the responses, questions, and feedback from this tweet.

Click here to view the responses, questions, and feedback from this tweet.