Artifacts Overview

Accessibility to Technology

This picture was taken during lunch hour! Students regularly used part of their lunch activity time to continue to work on math station projects or other assignments. While still in pilot phrase, students did not take the technology home. Accessibility was key during the school day.

Meeting The Standards

Standard 4
Address the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources

As an iPad 1:1 pilot classroom, our lessons and daily materials were posted online at the beginning of each school day. Students accessed the class website and blog regularly to complete tasks throughout the class period. However, what happens when you start to rely on the students ability to access materials that are no longer printed out? As a teacher, it is my responsibility to provide equitable access for all students.

So, while I did end up printing out items for some students, the majority of students who needed additional time on task or access to our class materials used their study hall period or lunch time to grab an iPad and continue working. By providing space and time for them to work at their pace, the students took ownership of what needed to be accomplished and recognized the value of the tools they had access to outside of their normal class period.

Brand new iPads handed out Sept. 2012.

Each iPad was used by 7 students for 180 school days...